HepMice has been demonstrated as a promising alternative in-vivo model to transgenic mice and are highly susceptible to patient-derived hepatitis B and C viral infection due to the stable engraftment of primary human hepatocytes in the mouse liver. This model has provided a valuable insight to the viremia study. However, the immune response induced by hepatitis virus infection is still lacking. To circumvent this, we have proposed to combine the human hepatocytes and immune system in a dual chimeric approach so called Dual Humanized Mice. This not only allows the persistent viral infection, but also acts as a unique platform for studying the immunopathogenesis of Hepatitis viral infection such as liver fibrosis, cirrhosis, and investigating the potential immunotherapies for viral clearance.
Figure 9. (A) Schematic diagram of HBV study using human liver chimeric mice for prophylactic treatment. (B) HBV DNA and (C) HBsAg production in mice injected with control mAb, Hepatitis B Immunoglobulin (HBIG) and HuMAb006-11 neutralizing antibody before HBV inoculation. (adapted from Jhajharia et al., NPJ vaccines 7.1 (2022): 1-9.)

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