NK Cell Improved HiMice
HiMice boosted with Human Natural Killer (NK) cells.
Ideal for: Study targeting NK cells, NK cell function and antibody dependent cell cytotoxicity (ADCC).
Human NK cell is one of the key players in human innate immune responses, infections disease, organ transplantation, immunotherapy, inflammation and autoimmune disorders.
Therefore, developing humanized mouse models with sufficient NK cells is essential to advance our understanding of the mechanisms underlying various disease states and developing novel therapeutics. However, this is challenging due to the absence of human IL-15 cytokines in Immunodeficient mice, which results in low levels of NK reconstitution (usually around 0.1-5%).
Invivocue’s NK cell improved HiMice provide a valuable platform for studying the role of NK cells in various disease settings and for the development of novel therapeutic interventions.
Our propriety IL-15 supplement method supports the development of NK cells precisely without significantly alters proportion of other immune cells. The substantial enhancing effect of IL-15 can be observed as soon as 2-week post injection and last more than 16 weeks in NK cell improved HiMice. Importantly, there is no GvHD development nor limitation in lifespan was observed in our model. Our NK cell improved HiMice can survival more than a year and hence, it suitable for long term aging study.
Figure: IL-15 supplementation improves frequency of human NK cells reconstitution in humanized mice and last more than 16 weeks.
Immune profile analysis of peripheral blood from 12 weeks old HiMice supplemented with and without IL-15 was performed after 2 weeks post injection. Data is presented as mean %hCD56+ relative to hCD45+.
Key Features of NK Cell Improved HiMice
Support Human NK differentiation from 0-5% to 5-20%
Human NK can last longer than 16 weeks
Can survive more than a year
There are no additional license feeds for commercial research.

Given the complexity of human disease, in-depth knowledge of each model is key to success in pre-clinical studies. Invivocue offers tailor-made study designs to suit your research needs.